Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Related Web Pages to Visit!

Here are a few links to visit related to this blog as a whole:

1. In an article by James Temple called "All those tweets, apps, updates may drain brain," he looks at the influence of new media technology and multitasking on individuals. This will give you a more direct insight of the world of texting and multitasking that most of us do daily.  

2. Though these suggestions are mainly for parents, Dr. Julie Weed wrote an article called: Setting limits for your multitasking teen, giving parents ways to help their teens from procrastinating and obsessing over new media outlets. There are some helpful tip and tools that all students can use when trying to get away from time wasters.

3. Here is a link to a video about Google and Verizon joining forces against Net Neutrality. It is called: Google Verizon attack Net Neutrality: That's Bullshit. The looks at the negative effects of getting rid of Net Neutrality and changing the flow of the internet as we know it. This is a bit unrelated to the topic, all will try to clarify the connection in the academic essay section.

Hope you Enjoy!

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